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This year everyone needs some Christmas cheer! While the global pandemic can be limiting, there are still many ways to spread Christmas cheer.  

Here are some fun ideas to share Christmas joy during the pandemic!  



Light Up Your Neighborhood with Christmas Lights

One of the easiest ways to brighten up your holiday season is to put up lights around your home. Another great touch is to put your Christmas tree in the window to light up your home and neighborhood. As people drive by they will be mesmerized by the lights, and able to feel the Christmas spirit. Spread the gift of lights this holiday season!  



Leave Holiday Treats for a Friend

A fun way to spread Christmas cheer is to share the gift of delicious bakes and treats! Pull out your family’s favorite recipes or find a new scrumptious treat to make. Put on some Christmas tunes, and enjoy taking the time to be in the kitchen as this can be a fun way to express your Christmas creativity! You can get the whole family to bake together! This can be a great way to bring Christmas joy into your kitchen as well as your friends. Once the goodies are prepared, leave them on your family or friends’ doorstep. They are sure to be surprised and feel extra love this Christmas season!  



Give Donations to a Local Shelter

One of the best ways to spread Christmas joy is to give back to your community! Do some research to find a shelter or charity that means something to you. You can make financial donations, food donations, or donate clothing, all will be well appreciated and needed! After all, tis’ the season for giving! 



Doorstep Gift Exchange

While seeing friends and family is limited during the global pandemic. A fun way to stay connected and spread holiday cheer is to have a doorstep gift exchange! 

Get a group of friends together and drop off a bundle of holiday fun to each person! Being able to give and receive gifts will create holiday joy during quarantine!